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Baby Health Services Project

Our team was given the opportunity to redesign the Baby Health Services website. Baby  Health Service is a medical clinic that provides treatment and families of uninsured children in and around Lexington.

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The Task​

Create an interactive prototype proposal for consideration for the near-term rebuild of the website. the proposal will have mobile and desktop implementation of the site and focus on presenting user cases focused on specific user needs. We have two primary stakeholder groups: users from Spanish backgrounds and guardians between the ages of 50-70.

The Team

We were a team of three UX design students. After discussing our plan of attack, we divided the project into three phases:


  • Initial Phase: Research
  • Creation Phase: Ideation/creation
  • Final Phase: Visual Design
After every design decision, we would review and have a team discussion where the team members would provide individual input.

Getting Started 

We met with our Baby Health colleagues to determine a design direction that was modern, bilingual, and easy to use. Our team assessed pages that were currently on the site to determine strategies to encompass these design elements

Our Team's primary goals:


  • Visually redesign current website
  • Easy to follow and intuitive format 
  • Bilingual accessibility 
  • Include forms page
  • Design an enticing donations view
  • Create an informative about us page
  • Include a contact page

The Original Website

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Target Audience: Spanish backgrounds and guardians between the ages of 50-70.
Our team was new to the Baby Health Clinics service's existing website. Therefore, we were able to have a fresh perspective in identifying the key problems with the website and carried out a UX Audit to find and understand the pain points within the experience of the website
As we identified these pain points on the website, we went on to to the next step of the process

Getting a point of view


After researching and interviewing the employees at Baby Health Services, the primary users of this website are mostly  Latin American mothers with uninsured children.
Here is one example of our personas, Maria Martinez, a Spanish mother who is new to the Lexington area.



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Screen Shot 2022-02-11 at 12.39.59 PM.png

When creating our design, our team felt as though it was important to have the appointment CTA accessible in the website's landing page.

In the instance of Mrs. Martinez, she was in search of an appointment for her child and needed information as soon as possible.
Home Page.jpg
Our solution was to create a bold CTA within the landing page that directly links the user to the patient forms. 
Pre-Landing View - Language Select - Desktop.jpg

Our Redesign:

Home Page.jpg
HF - About - English - Desktop.jpg
Forms in english.png
donate FE.jpg
Contact - English - Desktop.jpg




While our prototype differed slightly from our wireframes, we kept a rather consistent feel to the plan. The change would be our landing page and its format and information that's portrayed. After discussing the changes and delivering a finalized Figma prototype to the Baby Health Services representatives, we were able to discuss our designer choices and will soon build upon them. 

Check out the Interactive  Prototype 

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